วันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Oil Painting - Why You Must Choose Oil Painting?

Painting enthusiasts have been using oil paints to make their work of creation for more than a hundred years. It was initially recognized in the 13th century in England. They used it at that time, as a means for simple decoration.

Even at that time, there were many artists who used tempera, in the place of the oil paints because it dried easily, without any hassle. This form of painting came to be used and practiced as a different form of art in the 17th century. If you are still wondering as to why you must choose it as a form of art then here are some important benefits:

This type of paint dries slower than other forms, hence gives enough time for the artists to paint. Though there are some artists who may find this 'slow drying quality' a bit cumbersome, this is one art form that must be taught to almost every arts student. This is partially because a lot of reproductions have been developed using this type of paints.

Besides its robust quality, there are several other advantages of oil paints. Some of them are as follows:

It can be left open for a long time as it doesn't dry too fast. It can be left open for weeks together. This makes artists to work upon different sessions. This characteristic of painting can also be seen as a disadvantage as this means, it takes weeks for a project to complete, by letting the first coat dry and apply another coat. 

Another advantage is that it blends outstandingly with the surrounding paint. When it is blended on the canvas, it helps in creating an  artistic brush stroke and other artistic forms which are not possible otherwise. These attributes make this form of painting a unique form of art.

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